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Power Rangers #1 Review

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #1

Boom! Studios

Writer: Kyle Higgins & Steve Orlando

Artist: Hendry Prasetya & Corin Howell

Colors: Matt Herns & Jeremy Lawson

The Power Rangers comic is a revival of the original 1993 super sentai series which all 90s kids watched every afternoon after school, and continues from the point where the ‘Green Ranger’ Tommy has just switched sides to join the rangers fighting his creator Rita Repulsa and her lackeys to stop her from ruling all of Earth.

The opening pages of the book give a brief catch up introduced by Bulk and Skull with their ‘Youtube channel’ on the world of Power Rangers and what this first arc will be exploring with Tommy adjusting to normal teenage life and what it is to being a ranger, it explores his mindset as he constantly battles his own mind games with Rita’s influence on his life whilst still feeling like an outsider on the team.

Meanwhile it seems the ‘Black Ranger’, Zack, has some personal problems to deal with which is affecting his school life and ‘Red Ranger’, Jason, trying to help him through it. Leaving off from the action packed #0, the first of the run takes a slow turn as we explore the normal school/private lives of the rangers (excluding Billy and Trini who get a brief mentioning this issue) that is barely covered in the show itself.

The tail end of the book contains the ongoing adventures of Bulk and Skull as they do their due diligence of mischief as they try to become heroes to impress Kimberly and Trini, it’s ok for what it is but in the end it takes more pages away from the main drawpoint of the book.

The artwork for the book is pretty awesome with the few frames where we actually see the rangers in costume which only teases you to stick for the ride, overall for a debut issue this book is a must for those who enjoy the original run of Power Rangers but is welcoming to the new readers as well.

Rating: Buy

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