Someone going into this looking for a straight up Joker film will most likely be disappointed. (by the bombardment of feedback online its safe to say that's what has happened)
If you are a true fan of cinema though you will enjoy a subtle ride bouncing across many different styles of film through the gaze of a man suffering from schizophrenia.
The reflections to current society and delusions of grandeur may have been lost on the influencer & social media audience.
I didn't see the film as a musical because the songs in the film don't start until Arthur stops taking his medication, which reflects more on his state of mind than what genre this film is.
Just like the panels of comics go through different styles of art by different artists, this film had many different cinematic styles almost as if directed by someone else every 10 mins.
The filmmakers career is interesting, before the 1st "Joker" film Todd Phillips was known mostly for his Comedies, when he gave us "Joker" in 2019 he was accused of biting Martin Scorsese's Taxi Driver, this time around Todd has given us something truly experimental.
I just hope the audience hasn't been so cruel that we still get to see him tell more stories and to further mature as a filmmaker.
Perhaps Todd Phillips giving the character of Judge Herman Rothwaxin in the film the same glasses as 'Martin Scorsese' is a sly dig to the question: Are comic movies cinema ?
In this case I do believe they are.
★★★ ½
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