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Escape From Monster Island #1

Escape From Monster Island #1 of 6.


Writer: Joe Tyler

Artist: Carlos Granda

Colours: Jorge Cortes

I have to say that this story begins on a high note. It eases you into what feels like it could be an interesting story. The basic gist is that a group of what I'm assuming are mercenaries are hired to retrieve some important information from an island, after it is revealed that after 48 hours, the island will be bombed to oblivion. It easily sets up a race-against-time style story with an entertaining premise and the hope of colourful characters.

Now, I'm not a fan of Carlos Granda's artwork, but here, it kinda works for me. The style is cartoonish, but not “breaking my suspension of disbelief” levels, so I can roll with it. It's got enough detail that I can appreciate the backgrounds as much as the main action, which is a good sign. Jorge Cortes' style of colouring matches Carlos' artwork beautifully. Jorge's colouring makes the jungle look lush and almost inviting, while not stealing the attention away from the characters.

Joe Tyler's premise is definitely interesting enough. We're given the beginnings of a solid story, but where I think it is a little weak is the characters. Another thing to note is that there are only three named in the first half of the issue, with more names only showing up at a point when we can't even tell who they are. We're given little reason to care about most of the characters, so I hope that they are a little more fleshed out in later issues.

I'd say that this is a Borrow rather than a Buy, based on the lack of character development so far. This might improve with later issues, but as a starting point, it's the only thing weighing this down.

-Phillip Martin

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