Gotham Academy #16
DC Comics
Writers: Brenden Fletcher, James Tynion IV, Ken Niimura
Art: Adam Archer, Christian Wildgoose, Ken Niimura
Colours: Adam Archer, Sandra Hope, Serge LaPointe, Ken Niimura
Gotham Academy continues with the Yearbook arc, with it’s third part and it continues to bring joy with each part that doesn’t lack in the talent department with each short story of the detective clubs shenanigans.
The Overall arc of Robin stealing Map’s scrapbook by Brenden Fletcher, Adam Archer and Sandra Hope gives us 2 pages which not much could be said about other than it being the usual Gotham Academy and just being used to connect the 2 short stories together.
James Tynion IV brings us ‘Maps day out’. As Maps recruits the help of Colton with the aid of a crisp hundred dollars to bring her obsessive plan to become the new Robin to fruition. Tynion captures Maps charming nature well, with the art of Christian Wildgoose being here and there, mainly with the way he illustrates Maps is just slightly off putting to me.
Ken Niimura does all the duties with what is the highlight of this issue with ‘Boring Sundays’, Maps is bored as everybody in the detective club is busy with their own things, so she decides to go off on her own adventure where she uncovers a mystery from the beginnings of the academy. Ken brings his simplistic art style and fits it so well with Gotham Academy’s stylings.
As Yearbook is an in-between filler arc, if you’re not too interested with short stories of what the detective club does on their days off or strapped for cash than these small delightful bites are something you could skip until it returns to its regular schedule.
Verdict: Bury