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The Aussies 4 Comics Fundraising results are in!

Jon Sommariva and his team of contributors raised a whopping $28,035.68 across 15 Australian comic shops whos businesses suffered due to Covid19 Restrictions.

Jon Sommariva:

"My hope is that the funds will not only lend a small helping hand, but more importantly let these guys know that we really value them in our community - we appreciate their hard work and the service they provide. Keep fighting and keep up that great work for the thing we all love - comics."

"Keep supporting your local comic shops by popping in or mail ordering from them. more than ever it's a great time to just stay home and read some books. There are comics galore for all tastes these days."

Australian contributors include David Yardin, Nicola Scott, Dean Rankine, Mark Raats, Colin Wilson, Marty J. Abel, Jeffrey Cruz, Mike Krome, Al Barrionuevo, David Dunstan, Lily McDonnell, Wayne Nichols, Stewart McKenny, Jamie Johnson, Lauren Armstrong, Daniel Picciotto, Camillo Di Pietrantonio, Thomas Campi, Jason Badower, Darren Zen Close, Daniel McIntosh, Tony Davidson and Daniel A Becker

International Artists: Humberto Ramos, Freddie Williams and Roby Amor.

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