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Save the Dogs, Save the World in The Last Friend, Launching September 30th for Nintendo Switch & PC

Stonebot Studio’s Tower Defense Brawler offers the chance to immortalize your dog in a truly limited edition

Seamlessly blending both the arcade action of games like Streets of Rage with the strategical thinking of titles like Plants vs. Zombies, The Last Friend quickly becomes a battle of man and canine standing stalwart against the end of the world. The Last Friend brings in a horde of super-powered dogs to help players drive back the violent mutants and gangs of the apocalypse in a fun, fast-paced hybrid of Brawler and Tower Defense.

You’ll work your way across a vast dystopian, wasteland rescuing doggos who will in turn help you save the world in your roving battle station of conversion van that would make Harry from Dumb and Dumber incredibly jealous.


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