The critically acclaimed mashup of brawler and tower defense has a demo available now on the eShop
Skystone Games took part in today’s NGPX Showcase, hosted by NIS America, to announce the launch date of The Last Friend on Nintendo Switch - April 21, 2022. Ahead of the launch in April, a demo is now available! Take a look at the announcement trailer below!
The Last Friend - Switch TrailerSeamlessly blending both the arcade action of games like Streets of Rage with the strategical tower defense of titles like Plants vs. Zombies, The Last Friend quickly becomes a battle of man and canine standing stalwart against the end of the world. The Last Friend recruits a horde of super-powered dogs to help players drive back the violent mutants and gangs of the apocalypse in a fun, fast-paced hybrid of Brawler and Tower Defense.
In addition, NGPX viewers were treated to new looks at upcoming indie darlings like Underworld Dreams: The False King and Spacelines from the Far Out. UNDYING, which is now available on Steam in Early Access, also showed off its latest forthcoming content update, which finally will allow players to play as Cody, when his mother Anling succumbs to her zombie infection.
Spacelines from the Far Out is a heavily comedic sci-fi party, 1-4 player co-op, rogue-lite, tycoon, space-traveling extravaganza that blends the golden era of air travel with the utopian space age dreamscape of the 1960s. Features include every trope imaginable from the “glory” that was mid-century Planet Earth. The below trailer highlights the life of a Starliner in this quirky, manic, and entirely addicting co-op party game!Spacelines from the Far Out: The Life of a Starliner
Underworld Dreams: The False King is a first-person horror experience blending adventure, combat, and investigative puzzle elements to piece together a unique psychological thriller. Based on the worlds of H.P. Lovecraft in the ’80s, Underworld Dreams creates an enthralling mystery narrative with gameplay that’s not for the faint of heart.